A Twenty-First-Century Bible

Books by Brian A Curtis

An A to Z of the Laws of Moses and Proverbs of Solomon

16 Studies on the Laws of Moses

48 Children's Stories for Christian Worship and Other Occasions

53 Children's Stories for Use in Christian Worship and on Other Occasions


SERMON: Divorce and Remarriage

Mark 10:2-12 & 1 Corinthians 7:1-17A. INTRODUCTION1. The World’s ViewThe topic of divorce and remarriage is a subject that continues to be an issue in society today. Apart from the high divorce rate, there are those who cannot accept divorce on any terms; there...


Mark 9:2-9A. INTRODUCTIONHe was one of the first disciples to be called; he always stands first in the list of disciples; he was part of the inner circle of three; and he was unsure of himself and his suitability to be called by God because, when he was originally...

SERMON: The Healing of a Deaf and Mute Man

Mark 7:31-37A. INTRODUCTION1. GossipingHow many times have you shared something that you’ve done, and specifically asked that it be kept confidential, only to find, later on, that your confidence has been broken? It maybe not in the same manner in which you told it,...