
SERMON: Having Confidence in Jesus

Matthew 14:22-33A. INTRODUCTION1. Confidence in SportI don’t know about you, but one of the things I’ve noticed in sport—and professional athletes and sports people in particular—is that whenever one of them is interviewed on TV—even before the game or event—is that...

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SERMON: Improving Our Vision

Matthew 14:13-21A. INTRODUCTION1. UsAs time goes by, we are inevitably faced with a number of problems, hurdles, and other issues that we need to resolve. Sometimes the answers are simple—and the problems quickly go away—but at other times the solutions are far more...

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SERMON: The Kingdom of Heaven

Matthew 13:24-43A. INTRODUCTIONOne of the frustrating things about the bible, is that it is not always good at answering all the questions we would like to ask. But then people are naturally curious, and questions like ‘What does God look like?’ and ‘What will heaven...

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SERMON: A Portrait of an Evangelist

Matthew 13:1-23A. INTRODUCTIONLiving outside of a big city, can seem a bit remote from the evangelistic crusades. Crusades like Billy Graham, Bill Newman, and Franklin Graham. But if we lived closer, we might be aware of all the preparations: The months, if not years,...

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UPDATE: The Wheelie Bin Nightmare, etc.

1. The Wheelie Bin NightmareThe sequel to A Day in the Life of a Pair of Trousers and Other Stories has finally been completed. The Wheelie Bin Nightmare and Other Stories consists of 53 stories for Use in Christian Worship and on Other Occasions. The sequel has been...

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SERMON: Scepticism and Doubt

Matthew 11:2-11A. INTRODUCTION1. General Every now and again—on the TV, in the newspaper, and elsewhere—an item is advertised of a list of the most respected occupations (and otherwise) in our society. And it makes some very interesting reading. Of course, there are a...

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SERMON: Like Sheep Without a Shepherd

Matthew 9:36-10:8A. INTRODUCTIONIf I were to ask you to paint a picture depicting the state of the people of the world, what would you do? Of course, some of you might laugh, and say, ‘Me! Paint a picture?’ But leaving aside any inability to paint for the moment, what...

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SERMON: The Need to Be Forgiven

Matthew 9:1-13A. INTRODUCTIONFrom time to time, most of us have felt the need for forgiveness. Indeed, not only the need to be forgiven for what we’ve done, but that our relationship with the person we’ve hurt can be restored. Of course, what we’ve done (or failed to...

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SERMON: The Marriage of Isaac and Rebekah

Genesis 24:1-67A. INTRODUCTION1. Different CulturesWhen faced with a different culture, we have two alternatives. We can try to understand it from our own perspective—with the risk of getting the whole thing terribly wrong—or we can put aside our way of thinking and...

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