
SERMON: Picking the Right People

Luke 10:1-12A. INTRODUCTION1. An Employer’s DilemmaWhen an employer is looking for workers, there are a number of issues they need to consider. Issues like: the skills that are required; the training that’s needed; the sort of person who would fit into the existing...

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SERMON: Facing Rejection

Luke 9:51-62A. INTRODUCTIONNo one likes to be rejected. And, as a consequence, it is something that many people fear. But then, it’s natural to want to be liked, to want people to approve. Therefore, in a sense, it’s quite understandable when people try to avoid...

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SERMON: Experiences of God

Luke 9:28-36A. INTRODUCTIONOne of the major struggles that many Christians face is the problem of having a meaningful spiritual life. While it can be seen that some, apparently, experience no end of encounters with God, for many the whole spiritual thing is just one...

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SERMON: A Lesson in Forgiveness

Luke 7:36-50A. INTRODUCTIONWe all make mistakes and we’ve, probably, all done thing of which we are not proud. But is there anything that you’ve done that you can’t forgive yourself for doing? Or is there anything someone else has hurt you so badly that you can’t...

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SERMON: The Public Figure

Luke 7:11-17A. INTRODUCTION1. GeneralA lot of people, at times, have been in the public eye, because of something that has been said or done. (And I mean that in a positive sense). And for those of us who have, you will know that being in public eye is not always...

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SERMON: Love Your Enemies

Luke 6:27-38A. INTRODUCTIONThere always seems to be someone whose one aim in life is to stir up trouble. It could be a family member; it could be someone we met a school, work, or any number of other places. But, regardless of who it is, or where we met them, there...

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SERMON: Discipleship: in Black and White

Luke 6:17-26A. INTRODUCTION1. UsThere is a tendency to see things, and talk about things in terms of two extremes. We talk in terms of black and white; rich and poor; the able and the disabled; the haves and the have nots. And the tendency is to talk as though there...

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SERMON: The Impatient Fisherman

Luke 5:1-11A. INTRODUCTIONI’m sure a lot of people know more about fishing than I do. At its simplest you bait the hook, cast the line into the water, sit back and relax with a good book—or just take the chance to dream—and wait for the fish to bite. But at its more...

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SERMON: The Model Of Obedience

Luke 4:1-15A. INTRODUCTIONWe all see things from different perspectives. We come from different backgrounds, we think differently, and we have different hopes and aspirations. Indeed, no two people see things exactly the same. Oh, yes some of our basic assumptions,...

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SERMON: Pleasing God

Luke 3:21-22A. INTRODUCTION1. Pleasing PeopleOne of the most gratifying things in life is when someone acknowledges or expresses pleasure in something that you’ve done. Indeed, it can be so gratifying that some people do things just to get such a response. You see it...

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