A Twenty-First-Century Bible

Books by Brian A Curtis

An A to Z of the Laws of Moses and Proverbs of Solomon

16 Studies on the Laws of Moses

48 Children's Stories for Christian Worship and Other Occasions

53 Children's Stories for Use in Christian Worship and on Other Occasions


SERMON: An A-Z of Christmas

Luke 2:1-7A. INTRODUCTIONThe way we celebrate Christmas, today, is a long way removed from the story of the first Christmas.In the story of the first Christmas we have a couple who were going through difficult times. She was having a baby—and they weren’t married....

SERMON: The Song Of Mary

Luke 1:46-55A. INTRODUCTIONIn times of adversity, some people rise to the top, while others fall in a heap.Imagine then, Mary, a girl of probably no more than twelve or thirteen years of age—engaged to be married, with her wedding day less than twelve months away—when...

SERMON: God’s Plan

Luke 1:26-38A. INTRODUCTIONOne of the facts of life is that we are constantly in the need to make plans. There are the big plans in life—one’s with long-term consequences, and one’s that require much thought—like: ‘Where we are going to live?’ ‘What sort of life style...